Helping build careers
We match students with Start-Ups to build meaningful careers.
We match students with Start-Ups to build meaningful careers.
We match startups with top final-year talent, turning internships into means of finding long-term employemnt.
We match startups with top final-year talent, turning internships into means of finding long-term employemnt.
We match startups with top final-year talent, turning internships into means of finding long-term employemnt.
By Students, For Students
By Students, For Students
By Students, For Students
Time Efficient
Time Efficient
Time Efficient
No Fees
No Fees
No Fees
Companies can't afford to miss out on student talent.
Companies can't afford to miss out on student talent.
Companies can't afford to miss out on student talent.
Unique degrees
Unique degrees
Unique degrees
Graduates each year
Graduates each year
Graduates each year
How do we help you?
Below you can find a general overview of the process of matching students and startups that leads to internship and full time employment.
How do we help you?
Below you can find a general overview of the process of matching students and startups that leads to internship and full time employment.
How do we help you?
Below you can find a general overview of the process of matching students and startups that leads to internship and full time employment.
Meet 👋
We understand who you are and what you are looking for. We create talent profiles and detailed job descriptions.
Meet 👋
We understand who you are and what you are looking for. We create talent profiles and detailed job descriptions.
Meet 👋
We understand who you are and what you are looking for. We create talent profiles and detailed job descriptions.
Match 🤝
Based on job descriptions and talent profiles, we find the best matches and connect start-ups to students.
Match 🤝
Based on job descriptions and talent profiles, we find the best matches and connect start-ups to students.
Match 🤝
Based on job descriptions and talent profiles, we find the best matches and connect start-ups to students.
Go 🚀
If both parties are happy with the match, the internship starts, hopefully leading to a full time job post graduation.
Go 🚀
If both parties are happy with the match, the internship starts, hopefully leading to a full time job post graduation.
Go 🚀
If both parties are happy with the match, the internship starts, hopefully leading to a full time job post graduation.
It is more than just matching
We know that students and startups finding eachother is not the only issue. Take a look at other benefits of working with us.
It is more than just matching
We know that students and startups finding eachother is not the only issue. Take a look at other benefits of working with us.
It is more than just matching
We know that students and startups finding eachother is not the only issue. Take a look at other benefits of working with us.
Time saving
We take over the work linked with finding the talent/strart-up, letting you focus on things that actually matter.
Time saving
We take over the work linked with finding the talent/strart-up, letting you focus on things that actually matter.
Time saving
We take over the work linked with finding the talent/strart-up, letting you focus on things that actually matter.
The best of the best
We only work with students from the best Dutch educational institutions and coolest start-ups 🔥
The best of the best
We only work with students from the best Dutch educational institutions and coolest start-ups 🔥
The best of the best
We only work with students from the best Dutch educational institutions and coolest start-ups 🔥
We support both the talent and the start-up during the internship to ensure that everyone is satisfied.
We support both the talent and the start-up during the internship to ensure that everyone is satisfied.
We support both the talent and the start-up during the internship to ensure that everyone is satisfied.
Let's get in touch
Ready to make it happen?
Press one of the buttons below, they lead you to our contact forms. Drop your contact details and we will reach out to you as soon as possible 🏎️
Let's get in touch
Ready to make it happen?
Press one of the buttons below, they lead you to our contact forms. Drop your contact details and we will reach out to you as soon as possible 🏎️
Let's get in touch
Ready to make it happen?
Press one of the buttons below, they lead you to our contact forms. Drop your contact details and we will reach out to you as soon as possible 🏎️